"I hate chasing debts, I work hard getting our customers on board -
and now I have to be the bad guy -
surely there's a better way?"


Credit Control New Zealand Wide

Having found your way to this website probably means you need our help. Debt Management Options based in Canterbury can assist you with all your credit management processes New Zealand-wide.

We like to think of ourselves as the “fence at the top of the cliff” – rather than the “ambulance at the bottom”. To us, this means getting your terms of trade and credit management set up, so you won’t need to chase bad debts.

If you are tired of chasing overdue invoices, it’s time to work with a professional team to help maximise your cash flow by:

  • Getting your clients to pay on time, to avoid that “next level” debt collection
  • Setting up your terms and conditions to protect you if clients don’t pay,
  • Understanding what options are available to you before extending credit,

Then you have come to the right place as obtaining the right advice to suit your business is imperative to improving cash flow.

Contact us today

Credit Control

Our aim is to turn your bad payers into good payers. We know what it’s like when you need to pay your bills but can’t because others haven’t paid you on time. We work with you and your business to put together an effective process to turn this around... Find out more

Terms & Conditions

Ensuring terms and conditions are up to date, clear and precise is necessary to have the best options if a debtor defaults. Verbal contracts are just as enforceable as written contracts... Find out more

Credit Checks

It is important that the credit check process includes obtaining accurate information about potential clients and should be an everyday part of business life. Yet many companies still leave themselves open to the threat of bad debt... Find out more


Bad debts arise from disputes over the goods or services supplied. It is important to have a clear and rapid disputes escalation process as this will ensure decision makers can resolve problems as quickly as possible. Find out more


Personal Guarantees and the Personal Property Security Register ensure creditors have a better chance of recovering their money if a customer’s business liquidates. Find out more

Debt Collection, Tracking & Bad Debtors Register

Escalating a debtor to the “next level” can be daunting; however it is necessary when a defaulter won’t budge or has disappeared off the radar. Our debt collectors are trained in dealing with that “next level”. Find out more

Insolvency Debt Recovery

Liquidation applies to companies registered under the Companies Act 1993 and is instant and severe. From the date of liquidation the liquidator takes custody and control of all the company’s unsecured assets. Find out more

Staff Credit Control Training

You may have a staff member who has the time to deal with the debtors but needs some training. We can put together a training programme which would best suit your business. Find out more