
Credit Control

Our aim is to turn your bad payers into good payers, without having to escalate to the “next Level” debt collection process.

Most businesses can survive a few periods of making a loss, but they can only run out of cash once. We know what it’s like when you need to pay your bills but can’t because others haven’t paid you on time.  We work with you and your business to put together an effective process to turn this around and ensure your money comes to you when it’s due, resulting in a reduction in the amount of capital tied up with your debtors.

We pride ourselves on having a great deal of success in being able to reduce debt whilst being seen as part of your company, under your name and not as an outside agency. This enables the Credit Controller to work with your debtors on or off site without damaging your relationship with your client. Using an independent contractor means you have the added benefit of not having to pay staff overheads.

We are not limited to the Canterbury region as working remotely allows us to look after our clients all over New Zealand.

* Please note, our focus is on Credit Control, and we no longer offer a “Next Level Debt Collection and Trackingservice.

Terms & Conditions

Businesses often have to extend credit to customers, particularly when starting up. Verbal contracts are just as enforceable as written contracts, but the main problem with a verbal contract is over time you may forget some of the terms that have been agreed to or there may be a dispute as to what was actually agreed.

Even though you may have done your homework beforehand to determine the risk of extending credit to each customer, it is necessary to have standard terms and conditions on hand which clearly set out your position and will be evident where a client may have breached the contract and also to have the best options if a debtor defaults.

In addition to protection for you as the supplier, you should also include rights for your customers in your terms to provide them with reassurance regarding complaints and refunds etc.

No one wants to be baffled by Gobbledygook so we follow the tried and true K I S S theory of Keeping it Seriously Simple. Writing clear, easy to read and understandable legal terms and conditions means both parties are clear on what is required before entering into the credit agreement.

Credit checks

Before your business spends money turning prospects into customers, you need to find out if they have the ability to pay.  It is important that the credit check process includes obtaining accurate information about potential clients and should be an everyday part of business life. Yet many businesses still leave themselves open to the threat of bad debt by not carrying out checks allowing them to make better informed decisions about whether or not to extend credit.

We will conduct the credit check for you using various options open to us.


Bad debts arise from disputes over the goods or services supplied. It is important to have a clear and rapid disputes escalation process as this will ensure decision makers can resolve problems as quickly as possible.

If an agreement cannot be reached between both parties the next course of action is to seek assistance.

We can assist you with advice and where necessary in helping you prepare for the tribunal.


Personal Guarantees and the Personal Property Security Register ensure creditors have a better chance of recovering their money if a customer’s business liquidates.

The handshake of old is an option relegated to the past and unfortunately there are no friends in business when things turn sour. It is advisable that you do all you can to secure your debts.

Allowing credit is an act of good faith, the same should be afforded you the supplier.

Staff credit control training

You may have a staff member who has the time to deal with the debtors but needs some training. We can put together a training program which would best suit your business.

This may involve:

Training the staff member to make the initial few calls then handing it over to a debtor manager to secure the payment by taking firmer action whilst still being seen as part of your business.

Or training the staff member to deal with the complete process and only involving us when the Debt Collection “next level” process is required when a defaulter fails to pay after all attempts have been exhausted.